Managing Enterprise Level Customer Outreach

Customer Outreach and Managing Enterprise Level Customer Outreach

Customer outreach in today’s technology market involves certain new mobile technologies and technologies that were not available twenty years ago. Customers have seen a change in how they gain information about a company or service. The past policies of talking with a company operator are no longer the norm. Interactive voice response technologies have begun to be more of the standard for the modern customer. Managing enterprise level customer outreach means that the company is using a certain standard of new interactive voice response policies in order to provide appropriate call responses.

Interactive Voice Response and Telecommunications

Interactive voice response or IVR is a modern standard for customer outreach. Managing enterprise level customer outreach is involving the use of these voice response technologies for the following types of industries:

  • Mobile technologies are now standard for some pay as you go industries. Account funding and mobile purchases use a mobile banking system to complete banking transactions for the customer.
  • Banking is one of the industries that uses frequent mobile technologies for balance information, payment processing, account transfers, and information about transaction histories.
  • Retail stores and restaurants use mobile technology often for order processing and bookings. Credit and debit card payments often are the main source of funding for these retail and entertainment companies.
  • Mobile technology and IVR customer outreach are used for meter readings in the utilities industry.
  • IVR customer outreach is often the main source of booking information. Flight schedules are frequently transacted through interactive voice response technology.
  • Weather forecasting is provided through an IVR system for up to the minute weather information.


Technologies Used for Customer Outreach

Certain decoding systems are used to recognize various speech information. This decoding by the voice response communications systems can interpret the caller’s response and send the caller to various voice prompts. The customer can input certain data by using their telephone key pad.

There are two types of speech recognition technologies used today. These speech technologies use a predefined grammar or directed dialogue that is based on certain statistically trained language models used in natural language dialogue. Directed dialogues can prompt the caller with specific question responses or with certain options for the caller to choose from. Natural language dialogues depend on certain speech patterns and speech inflections that are recognized in a normal conversation. The interactive voice response system can recognize these voice patterns and give a response to the caller.

Technologies that are used as customer outreach technologies include certain written response networks that use text to speech. This type of system uses a complex and dynamic compilation included in emails and other reports. This type of customer system creates a synthesized speech.

Leads Generated from Emails and Web Forms

Web forms and emails can generate leads for certain enterprise level businesses. These leads use voice broadcasts and phone surveys. A short message service can be a good source of generated leads for certain types of businesses. Emails that are read, and downloads can be a source of marketing information that is generated from customer outreach programs.


Interactive voice response is often a source of customer interaction and lead generation. Technologies today can manage the customer input calls with the assistance of modern voice technologies. These customer calls can be directed to further digital information, or the customer call can be sent to a live agent if requested. Automated marketing uses inbound calls, and other types of automated marketing is used. Additional leads can be generated from emails and text messaging.